Tuesday, December 21, 2004


I heard this story on the radio yesterday on the way home. PETA was protesting a slaughterhouse for being cruel. I’ve never been to a slaughterhouse but just by definition I cant imagine a slaughterhouse not being cruel. I listened as farmers in Iowa explained that if it was up to PETA they would all be out of business… which I believe, isn’t true but that’s another story. I have never considered becoming a member of PETA because I don’t fully share their beliefs, or agree with some of their member’s tactics, but they do serve a purpose. Kind of like the IRS, or ACLU. I don’t believe that everyone in the world should be a vegetarian but I do believe that everyone should know where their food comes from and demand that the food they are given is not given excessive drugs, blah, blah… I do think there is a direct link to what you put into your body to the quality of your life. Period. I went to the site to see this video. I couldn’t get past the first 3 sceonds.

here is the entire article.


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