Monday, March 17, 2008


Its amazing that its been so long. I dont know what to do, I don't know if I should scrap this blog altogether, and start fresh, or keep it seems so out of date. The dated me... dunno I have to think about that for a while...

update: I have been in Africa for a for a few months and love it here - its amazing after Im finished here I hopefully will be in Asia somewhere, but if ive learned anything, its that I don't have the final say in things.

I will say that its been intresting living overseas, seeing xenophobia from the other side...the US Presidential race...actually watching how the dollar preforms on the global market...yeah...its been intresting ...hopefully I can upload some pictures at somepoint.

By the way...I like people for the most random reasons...


seeing this makes me want this guy for my next prez, that is since Lester Young isn't running.


Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...


It's been a really long time...thanks for stopping by my new

September 11, 2008 at 8:58 PM  

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