Wednesday, September 29, 2004

hey kids...

Lunch break blog…

Eating my salad and veggie burger (I refuse to pay $5 for one of these again)…I realized one thing. I am a really difficult person to deal with in a relationship. Im selfish and moody. …I need to work on that. Ok kids, I break the TV watching ban tonight to catch the new episode of the Apprentice. They tried to sneak one in early. One of my innercircle says that he heard from the nerdvine who is going to win…when I get a name I’ll pass it on and start the blog rumor mill. Im going to copy QG with the questions…

1.How old were you when you got your first real kiss?
2.What was your first car?
3.If you were trapped on a desert island and had to listen to one album/cd what would it be.
4.If you could meet any one dead or alive who would it be and what would you like to do with him/her/them (if it’s a group)?
5.Do you pee in the shower?


Blogger QG said...

1. If you mean tonge, I guess I was 13.

2. 1989 Tempo

3. That changes day to day.

4. Mary--as in Jesus' mother. I want to get to the bottom of this whole immaculate conception thing.

5. Only if I'm alone and running late. But I'm usually on time!

September 29, 2004 at 2:51 PM  
Blogger Apocalypse said...

1. 12
2. '73 ford granada
3. same answer as QG...but the idea is to play it would be Miles...Sketches in Spain.
4. My maternal grandmother...kick it w/ her go around the city and see how many stories I could get out of her.
5. Yep.

September 30, 2004 at 6:21 AM  
Blogger Birthmom said...

1.How old were you when you got your first real kiss? 13
2.What was your first car? 1983 Chevrolet Chevette
3.If you were trapped on a desert island and had to listen to one album/cd what would it be. Right now? It would be anything by Al Green, Teddy P, something old school.
4.If you could meet any one dead or alive who would it be and what would you like to do with him/her/them (if it’s a group)? Wow- I could say Jesus, I could say a variety of people- I have no idea.
5.Do you pee in the shower? No. That's gross

September 30, 2004 at 2:40 PM  
Blogger Apocalypse said...

i wanted a Chevette sooooo bad....its funny to see myself type that out loud.

October 1, 2004 at 8:20 AM  

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