My PSA for the day...
***Drags soap box out of the closet, walks downtown with microphone and a bullhorn***
Live a conscious life. Please don’t walk around in a fog. In particular know what you are eating. I have a coworker that is my age that has diabetes, or “sugar” as its called on my side of town. There is a direct correlation between your health and what you eat, the products you use on your body and the environment we live in. Treat your body like the gift that it is. If you eat meat, don’t eat that factory-farmed bullshit you get in restaurants or the grocery store. Look for ethical local farmer that have grass fed animals. Pick up a copy of Fast Food Nation. Do some research. At least be informed. Buy natural and organic when you can. You would be surprised how many chemicals we put in our body on a daily basis? If you can, try and adopt a more karma free diet.
-Sucka Free
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