Friday, October 01, 2004

Paper please.

That’s what’s up.

I went to the grocery store to get something quick to eat, as I was leaving I asked the bag guy if my magazine was in the bag…his reply was “dats whats up”. At what point in your life is the 18-year-old white suburban, bag guy more hip than you are? Was I ever hip? I’m trying to remember….picture it….Sicily…1942…sorry wrong show. Picture it 1990…surrounded by tea bag polka dot pants, rayon shirts, paten leather shoes, and fitted caps, starter jackets, with Jordache jeans with the bottoms slit along the seam so they draped perfectly over the Nike Cortez…I decide to rock true prep…

This post has been interrupted to make room for something that has really gotten my attention of late…
The Bush, Kerry Debate: I have become very late blooming political addict. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on, its amazing the amount of information that you can get your hands on these days. The US foreign policy is very interesting to say the least. I found the debate more exciting than last years (s)uper Bowl. I found myself screaming at the TV at points; I loved to see the politicians have to speak with out the ‘laugh tracks’ that they are used to having on their stump trips across the states. I was great. The best presidential debate I have ever seen. If I had a cleaner back ground, and didn’t mind asking strangers for money I would throw my hat in the race.


Blogger Dayrell said...

Yea, debates always interest me to....especially when they get heated...oooh, that's the best! :)

October 1, 2004 at 10:41 AM  
Blogger QG said...

Well, you know, inside the beltway it was on and poppin. If you didn't watch the debate, you are uncool or stupid. I was watching, guffawing. It was great. Can't watit until the next one!!

October 1, 2004 at 12:56 PM  
Blogger Jazz said...

I wish that they would do debates in casual clothing, no ties and serve coctails. The candidates sit at a round table and they have to play spades or poker. By the end of the game, I am so sure WE ALL would know if there are secret personal agendas. No speeches just Q&A. Sooner or Later, someone would f*#k up and say something like, "I GOT YOU BE-YATCHES IN MY POCKET! YOU'LL BELIEVE ANYTHING I WANT YOU TO BELIEVE!" showing their 'True Colors.'

DEBATES COULD BE 'OFF THE HOOK!' The whole event is way uptight and keeps everyones guard up, therefore not getting to the inner layer of SLEAZE-DUM!

Well, Michael Moore did get Bush during golf.

October 2, 2004 at 1:40 PM  
Blogger Dayrell said...

LoL @ Jazz. Crazy! :P

October 3, 2004 at 6:38 AM  
Blogger Apocalypse said...

yeah...thas a good idea...some scotch..some cigars...they would be droping "F" bombs all night...

October 4, 2004 at 5:50 AM  

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