Friday, March 25, 2005

why should each post have a diffrent title?

I have been so out of the loop lately- I fell totally off my square so much lately I had to order some music off the net to see if I could get my piece of mind back. I was in the book store yesterday and noticed that the latest installment in the game I refer to as, “The single best game I have ever played in my life”, is coming out next week.

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I would pick it up but it would be silly because I don’t nave blocks of time in my life that I would refer to as ‘free’. I miss video games – and music so bad. I grew up playing video games like most of the people in my age group. I had a Atari – Super Nintendo- and played for hours upon hours but wouldn’t consider myself a hardcore gamer. I almost became a hardcore gamer. The only woman that has ever broken up with me gave me a Dreamcast as what I recognize now as a parting gift. The signs were so there that she wasn’t happy with the relationship, I can see it after the fact, but while in the fray I didn’t want to acknowledge it. We were friends who became more that should have stayed friends. That’s another post – I digress. So… on the tail end of a failed relationship, all I have is this Dreamcast and “Hatian Fight Song”, a few Showbiz and A.G. songs on a mix tape from my boy, and cheap beer. Looking back it was not a pleasant experience at all- I have put myself in so many bad positions in life and this period was specifically…no good. So, all I have is 2 tapes and a Dreamcast, did anyone see the movie the Jerk? I fell in love again with video games. Before this I used to video game players as dorks…we have all seen them of all ages from 5 to 55 standing in Electronics Boutique discussing the merits of Hideo Kojima game design. But I was hooked…it was all I had, so I thought at the time. For hours I would paly…

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…getting games from the UK, the whole nine. (if anyone knows the origin of the expression the whone nine please let me know) Then after that it was my Playstation2 I had my then girl friend, I’ll call her Sybil, pick it up the morning it came out. I traveled with it, took like other people take laptops on plane…I had my PS2. Next it was the Xbox, that I didn’t have to run out and get because I loved the PS2 so much. Nonetheless, the next girlfriend got me the Xbox as a birthday present. Then I discovered the beauty of Xbox, and Xbox modification…I know I’m a geek. Now that I’m an adult, I wish I had embraced this side of my personality much earlier in life. I could have saved so much time and money on gold teeth, malt liquor, rayon shirts and such.

Ramble concluded.

This one is for Frank, I got this one for you a while back but I don’t think I ever posted it.

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Speaking of Frank- I don’t think there is anything wrong with looking. Personally I think women want you to look as long as you have all your teeth, and don’t touch, stare, or do like the Wolf with the zoot suit used to do in the cartoons. raises 3 feet off the grown, hat spins around, eyes pop out of their sockets, wistles, tongue hangs out of the mouth to the side, and old horn sounds….Ahoooogh! Looking is natural. At least for me.


Blogger Christopher said...

she looks awfully young...

March 25, 2005 at 9:08 AM  
Blogger Apocalypse said...

really? I guess she does now that I look at her face really hard...I got it from the site and just assumed she was older, most of the contributors are older and married...

March 25, 2005 at 9:17 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...


March 25, 2005 at 12:55 PM  
Blogger Apocalypse said...

sorry jazz!

March 28, 2005 at 9:10 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

its ok,....i love u man

March 29, 2005 at 6:15 AM  
Blogger greggy said...

I swear to God, they must be putting something in those new Playstations or and grown-ups alike are hooked! I play mine some, but not like some die-hards...LOL. I like to play as a way to unwind, but now it's like its personal almost for some...especially the football and basketballers!

March 29, 2005 at 3:18 PM  
Blogger Luke Cage said...

What the heezy??? That's my girl! The Indian Lady from Magic Garden! Hey Warren, you've got it going on man. Thanks for the big shoutout! Hey, I just got into gaming recently and I broke a sacred rule of engagement. I purchased a PC game and now I can't stop. I've only got one now, but I know this will be the beginning of the end. If I don't pull myself away, it will be the end of Cage as you know him!!!

March 29, 2005 at 8:29 PM  

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